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  In 1, the investigation stage acceptance of criminal suspects and their families to entrust, interview guilty suspect, to provide legal advice, acting appeal, accuse; the criminal suspect in custody, to apply for bail;

  In 2, the stage of review and prosecution for criminal suspects and their families of the Commission, as the defender of the criminal suspect, consult, extract, copy the case material, interview guilty suspect, investigate and collect relevant materials of the case, put forward opinions to accept the defense; and his legal representatives or near relatives, the party in an incidental civil action or statutory agent, close relatives of the Commission serves as an agent ad litem, consult, extract, copy the case material, the investigation and collection of relevant materials of the case, put forward opinions of agent;

  In 3, the trial stage as the defender of the defendant, review jurisdiction, consult, extract, copy the case material, meet the defendant, defence, puts forward an argument, appeal; as victims and criminal private prosecution of the litigation agent, consult, extract, copy the case material, investigation and evidence collection, identification, application to participate in the trial, adducing evidences, debate, published agent advice, appeal.

  4, other criminal legal services.

  In 1, the investigation stage acceptance of criminal suspects and their families to entrust, interview guilty suspect, to provide legal advice, acting appeal, accuse; the criminal suspect in custody, to apply for bail;

  In 2, the stage of review and prosecution for criminal suspects and their families of the Commission, as the defender of the criminal suspect, consult, extract, copy the case material, interview guilty suspect, investigate and collect relevant materials of the case, put forward opinions to accept the defense; and his legal representatives or near relatives, the party in an incidental civil action or statutory agent, close relatives of the Commission serves as an agent ad litem, consult, extract, copy the case material, the investigation and collection of relevant materials of the case, put forward opinions of agent;

  In 3, the trial stage as the defender of the defendant, review jurisdiction, consult, extract, copy the case material, meet the defendant, defence, puts forward an argument, appeal; as victims and criminal private prosecution of the litigation agent, consult, extract, copy the case material, investigation and evidence collection, identification, application to participate in the trial, adducing evidences, debate, published agent advice, appeal.

  4, other criminal legal services.

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